Architectural Intelligence : How Designers and Architects Created the Digital Landscape - Ebooks Amazon Free


01 March, 2020

Architectural Intelligence : How Designers and Architects Created the Digital Landscape

Architectural Intelligence : How Designers and Architects Created the Digital Landscape

Architectural Intelligence : How Designers and Architects Created the Digital Landscape
If you want to understand why we think about the digital realm in terms of "space", or why we talk about information "architecture", this is the book for you. It traces the history of the relationship between the profession of architecture and the design of digital systems. The story as Steenson tells it is enjoyable, informative, detailed, and important. She is also an outstanding writer. Her prose, is clear, readable, and intelligent. If you've been turned off by books about architecture with their heavy jargon, you don't need to worry.
Architectural Intelligence explores the lives of four architects and how their careers informed and were influenced by the technology that evolved into the Internet. Steenson is less concerned with theoretical platforms and more focused on drawing connections between ideas and concepts that informed practices such as user experience, information architecture and a variety of approaches to programming. In a time when the boundaries between the physical and digital are becoming increasingly blurry, this is a fascinating and entertaining story that not only shows where we have come from but also points to where we might be going. Highly recommended!

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