Molding Mighty Legs - Ebooks Amazon Free


01 March, 2020

Molding Mighty Legs

Molding Mighty Legs

Molding Mighty Legs
"I am reciting this experience for your benefit, because my success in body growth has always been looked upon as an interesting and phenomenal experience. These facts will also give you courage to keep striving because it is a well established fact that a man who has acquired great muscular proportions and strength for his height will find it more difficult to increase body growth. The peculiar part is, no other teacher has been able to advance any new training methods to take care of the legs. In other words, little has been added to what was known about leg build- ing years ago. You would be amazed if you could see the lower limb development of 99% of physical training teachers—their lower limb development is so poor. Bearing all this in mind I believe when you have finished reading this treatise you will be well satisfied that you have learned something entirely new in leg building and something that will enable you to get busy and get bigger and better legs." -George F. Jowett.
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