The Life of Gampopa: Incomparable Dharma Lord of Tibet - Ebooks Amazon Free


01 March, 2020

The Life of Gampopa: Incomparable Dharma Lord of Tibet

The Life of Gampopa: Incomparable Dharma Lord of Tibet

The Life of Gampopa: Incomparable Dharma Lord of Tibet
Jampa Stewart presents the first complete life story of Gampopa, the foremost disciple of Milarepa and one of the forefathers of the Kagyu lineages. Compiled from numerous Tibetan biographies, this comprehensive and inspiring English language rendition highlights the extraordinary details of Gampopa's meditative experiences, and presents direct insights into the practice and realization of Mahamudra. Drawings by the Dutch artist Eva van Dam illustrate this compelling and moving biography. A history of the Kagyu order by Lobsang P. Lhalungpa supplements the story of Gampopa's life, illustrating his importance in the development of the Kagyu lineages of Tibetan Buddhism. Jampa Stewart's essay on "Mahamudra: Gampopa's System of Meditation" and an extensive glossary help open the doors of Vajrayana Buddhism to beginners, offering fresh insights for advanced practitioners as well. The Life of Gampopa is inspirational reading and offers completely accessible insights into compelling facets of Tibetan Buddhism. -- Midwest Book Review

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