Why I'm Like This: True Stories - Ebooks Amazon Free


02 March, 2020

Why I'm Like This: True Stories

Why I'm Like This: True Stories

Why I'm Like This: True Stories
This book is well written, funny and a quick read. It's the kind of book you can take on a plane and finish it (even with interruptions) on a cross-country flight, and the person sitting next to you either sneaks peeks or asks you if it's good when he finds you smiling or even chuckling. Or, if your husband is on the other side of you, you set the book on his tray table and say, "read this passage!" knowing fully well it will crack him up. I particularly appreciated the author's honesty and her willingness to share these stories. I feel it took courage to do so. Bravo Ms. Kaplan, and thanks for the laughs. What's next?

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