[Free Ebook]VBA Developer’s Handbook™, 2020 by Ken Getz and Mike Gilbert - Ebooks Amazon Free


27 July, 2020

[Free Ebook]VBA Developer’s Handbook™, 2020 by Ken Getz and Mike Gilbert

[Free Ebook]VBA Developer’s Handbook™, 2020 by Ken Getz and Mike Gilbert
Read online bellow

To Peter: Your patience and understanding
(especially that patience thing) have made it
possible to write books like this. Your working very
long hours didn’t hurt, either.
To Revi, Lynn, David, Tree, Michelle, Cynthia,
and Karishma: true friends and good souls all.
Thanks for being there when I needed you.
isual Basic for Applications (VBA) started its life as a tool that would allow
Excel, and then other Microsoft Office applications, to control their own environment
programmatically and would work with other applications using OLE
Automation. In 1996, the VBA world exploded when Microsoft allowed other
vendors to license the VBA language engine and environment for their own products.
At the time of this writing, hundreds of vendors have licensed this exciting
technology, making it possible for users of many products to control their applications
and any Automation server using VBA.
The best part about all this for the VBA developer is that the skills you learn in
one product will carry directly to any other VBA host. The programming environment
is the same, the debugging tools are the same, and the language is the same.
Finally, Basic programmers (after all, VBA is still a variant on the original BASIC
language) are getting some respect. Using tools that end-users can appreciate and
work with, you can write applications that they can live with, modify, and extend.
Here’s what Microsoft doesn’t make clear: VBA is a language, a development
environment, and a forms package. This book is only about one part of that triumvirate:
the language. We’ve attempted to dig into details of VBA, the language,
that you won’t find elsewhere. We’ve not made any attempt to discuss the forms
package that’s part of VBA, nor have we spent any time discussing the development
#evba #etipfree #eama #kingexcel

📤How to Download ebooks: https://www.evba.info/2020/02/instructions-for-downloading-documents.html?m=1

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