Free Course The Complete Web Developer in 2020: Zero to Mastery - Ebooks Amazon Free


02 October, 2020

Free Course The Complete Web Developer in 2020: Zero to Mastery

Free Course The Complete Web Developer in 2020: Zero to Mastery

  • CSS/CSS3
  • SemanticUI
  • Responsive Design
  • Flexbox
  • CSS Grid
  • Bootstrap 4
  • DOM Manipulation
  • Javascript (including ES6/ES7/ES8/ES9/ES10)
  • Asynchronous JavaScript
  • React + Redux
  • Git + Github
  • Command Line
  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • NPM
  • RESTful API Design
  • PostgresSQL
  • SQL
  • Authentication
  • Authorization
  • Scalable Infrastructure
  • Security
  • Production and Deployment
#evba #etipfree #eama #kingexcel 

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