Free Course Angular 8 Advanced MasterClass & Free E-Book 2020 Full Google Driver Link - Ebooks Amazon Free


25 November, 2020

Free Course Angular 8 Advanced MasterClass & Free E-Book 2020 Full Google Driver Link

Free Course Angular 8 Advanced MasterClass & Free E-Book 2020 Full Google Driver Link

What you’ll learn

  • Code in Github repository with downloadable ZIP files per section
  • Learn the most advanced features of Angular
  • learn how to how to build open source Angular libraries
  • Component API Design
  • Component Styling best practices
  • Templates and Template Outlets, ng-content, ng-container, style isolation and customization
  • AOT, global events, debugging with the CLI, @ViewChildren, @ContentChildren
  • Light DOM vs Shadow DOM, @HostBinding, @HostListener, dynamic components
  • Directives, handling keyboard events, testing, animations and more

Who this course is for:

  • Software Developers looking to dive deeper into Angular
  • Software Developers looking to learn how to publish an open-source Angular librar

#evba #etipfree #eama #kingexcel 

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