PYTHON PROGRAMMING: Python Programming Final Getting Started Guide with Step-by-Step Guidance and Hands Examples - Ebooks Amazon Free


02 January, 2021

PYTHON PROGRAMMING: Python Programming Final Getting Started Guide with Step-by-Step Guidance and Hands Examples

PYTHON PROGRAMMING: Python Programming Final Getting Started Guide with Step-by-Step Guidance and Hands Examples

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Author(s): FOSTER, JOHN

Year: 2020


Python was created in 1990 by Guido van Rossu, and is a general-purpose, high-level programming language. It has become extremely popular over the past decade, thanks to its intuitive nature, flexibility, and versatility. Python can be used on a wide variety of operating systems, and its clean, readable code style makes it relatively beginner-friendly, while not as fast as other languages, such as C++ or JAVA, Python code is often much shorter and simpler than other languages.
Python also supports several packages and modules created by other developers to make the development of Python applications quicker and easier.

√ Read This Book for FREE with Kindle Unlimited – Order Now!
The book is designed to be a practical and straightforward tutorial of essential Python Programming concepts and techniques that will transform self-learners from beginners to experts. It provides useful and practical examples of the programming concepts presented and makes learning an enjoyable and interesting experience. It highlights important concepts and strategies that will take you from being a complete beginner to a confident programmer.

This Book Includes:

Learning the Basics of Python Programming
The Origins of Python
Why Use Python?
The Benefits of Python & The Negatives of Python
The Common Terms of Python
Learn Text Editor Getting IDLE
Variables and What They Do in Python Conclusion
And few Critical Terms About Python

And so much more!
You will quickly understand the fundamentals thanks to the guidelines for coding, even if you have never created a programming code before.
Ready to get started?

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