Statistics for Business Students: A Guide to Using Excel & IBM SPSS Statistics - Ebooks Amazon Free


21 September, 2021

Statistics for Business Students: A Guide to Using Excel & IBM SPSS Statistics




Statistics for Business Students: A Guide to Using Excel & IBM SPSS Statistics

Author(s): Glyn Davis, Branko Pecar

Publisher: Glyn Davis, Branko Pecar, Year: 2021

Statistics for Business Students (ISBN: 978-1-63795-762-2) brings the teaching of statistics into the 21st century. Rather than focusing on mathematics behind formulae, this textbook uses two most used platforms to teach the subject, and these are Microsoft Excel and IBM SPSS. The emphasis is on applications, understanding what the functions deliver, and how to interpret the results. A brief content of this 756-page book is:

Chapter 1 Data Visualisation
Chapter 2 Descriptive statistics
Chapter 3 Probability distributions
Chapter 4 Sampling distributions
Chapter 5 Point and interval estimates
Chapter 6 Hypothesis testing
Chapter 7 Parametric hypothesis tests
Chapter 8 Nonparametric tests
Chapter 9 Linear correlation and regression analysis
Chapter 10 Introduction to time series data, long term forecasts and seasonality
Chapter 11 Short and medium-term forecasts

The book is accompanied by a website which acts as a repository for both students and lecturers. The lecturer resources are password protected and accessible only by registered and genuine lecturers. The website includes the following resources: all Excel and SPSS data files with solutions, revision pointers, video files, maths refresher, comprehensive introduction to Excel and SPSS, a series of files dedicated to “Want to learn more” category, as well as a variety of resources for lecturers, such as PowerPoint lecture files, comprehensive Instructors’ manual, multiple choice and exam questions, and much more.

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