Learn React Native By Doing Free Video Course - Ebooks Amazon Free


05 November, 2021

Learn React Native By Doing Free Video Course


Learn React Native By Doing Free Video Course

Course Video Size : 4 GB High Quality Video Content

part 01

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part 02

howtofree, freetutorials,freecoursesite

Original Author: Click Here

Learn to build cross platform mobile applications with React Native CLI, React Hooks and Functional Components

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What you will learn from this Course:

  • React Native CLI
  • Build Cross Platform Mobile Applications
  • React methodology
  • Get and manage data from external API
  • Build a fully working iOS and Android Application
  • Use external packages like Video Player

Requirements for this Course:

  • Internet Connection
  • Windows or Mac OS machine


Respond Native is developing at a high speed, while an ever-increasing number of organizations of any size are embracing it to fabricate cross-stage applications with a solitary codebase.

In this course we mean to show React Native stream and its privileged insights by building a true task where we expect to have a strong establishment into React Native structure too React Hooks and Functional Components.

You will assemble a portable application focused on the two iOS and Android climates while you get familiar with the responsiveness of the style, route among screens and get and oversee information from an outside API.

In this course you will learn:

  • Set up your machine climate for React Native CLI advancement
  • Build cross stage applications with React Native CLI
  • Navigate between screens
  • Navigate to screens progressively
  • Use of The Movie Database API
  • Add custom styles
  • Component base turn of events
  • React Hooks
  • Functional Components
  • Get Movies by type
  • Lists
  • Search Movie Method
  • Image Galleries
  • Video Player and its orders

After this course you will actually want to:

  • Set up the framework effectively
  • Manage Errors a Debug React Native CLI applications
  • Build applications without any preparation
  • Understand great engineering stream for an application
  • Get information from the worker utilizing Axios
  • Handle Data
  • Display and render custom Lists
  • Implement search techniques
  • Add outer bundles
  • Tap in the local code of an iOS and Android application

Who this course is for:

  • Beginners in React Native
  • Experienced Developers that want to develop their knowledge by learning React Native

Course content:

  • Getting Started
  • Start Building Our Movie App
  • Movies App Home
  • Movies App Navigation
  • Movie Detail
  • Navigation Bar
  • Search Movie
  • Final Touches

Course Video Size : 4 GB High Quality Video Content

part 01

howtofree, freetutorials,freecoursesite

part 02

howtofree, freetutorials,freecoursesite

Original Author: Click Here

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