Tìm hiểu khóa học video miễn phí về Git & Github Bootcamp - Ebooks Amazon Free


07 November, 2021

Tìm hiểu khóa học video miễn phí về Git & Github Bootcamp


Learn The Git & Github Bootcamp Free Video Course

Master the essentials and the tricky bits: rebasing, squashing, stashing, reflogs, blobs, trees, & more!The Git & Github Bootcamp

3 11

Course Video Size: 6 GB High-Quality Video Content

part 01

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part 02

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part 03

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Original Author: Click Here

What you will learn from this Course:

  • Understand how Git works behind the scenes
  • Explain the difference Git objects: trees, blobs, commits, and annotated tags
  • Master the essential Git workflow: adding & committing
  • Work with Git branches
  • Perform Git merges and resolve merge conflicts
  • Use Git diff to reveal changes over time
  • Master Git stashing
  • Undo changes using git restore, git revert, and git reset
  • Work with local and remote repositories
  • Master collaboration workflows: pull requests, “fork & clone”, etc.
  • Squash, clean up, and rewrite history using interactive rebase
  • Retrieve “lost” work using git reflogs
  • Write custom and powerful Git aliases
  • Mark releases and versions using Git tags
  • Host static websites using Github Pages
  • Create markdown READMEs
  • Share code and snippets using Github Gists

Requirements for this Course:

  • Basic computer skills


The accompanying sentence is irritating, yet in addition valid: the best ideal opportunity to learn Git was yesterday. Luckily, the subsequent best time is today! Git is a fundamental instrument for work in any code-related field, from information science to game improvement to AI. This course covers all that you need to know to begin utilizing Git and Github in reality today!

The course’s 20+ areas are separated into four separate units:

  • Git Essentials
  • Powerful Git
  • Github and Collaboration
  • The Tricky Bits

We get going with Git Essentials. The objective of this unit is to give you all the fundamental Git instruments you need for everyday use. We get going discussing rendition control programming, what it is, the reason it makes a difference, and the historical backdrop of Git. Then, at that point we introduce Git and go through the Unix orders you’ll have to work with Git (you can avoid this in case you’re as of now natural).

The main part of this unit is centred around showing the centre Git mechanics like submitting and stretching and the related ideas: the functioning catalogue, the vault, the organizing region, and so forth We cover Git orders including git init, git add, git submit, git status, git log, git branch, and git blend. We end with a nitty-gritty glance at fanning, combining, and settling clashes.

Then, at that point, we continue on to our Next Level Git unit, where we cover extra orders and Git ideas that are very helpful, yet perhaps not as “centre” as the Git Essentials. We start with a complete gander at the gif diff order and the different examinations that we can make between submits, branches, the functioning registry, the arranging region, and the sky are the limit from there! We give extraordinary consideration to perusing and parsing the thick yield produced by diffs. Then, at that point, we shift our concentration to reserving with the git stash order, a “comfort order” that numerous clients love joining into their Git work process.

At last, we jump profound into fixing changes and time travelling with Git. We figure out how to return to prior work, disengage and yet again connect HEAD, and dispose of changes. We cover git orders that assist us with fixing changes including git checkout, git reestablish, git reset, and git return.

Following up, we switch gears to zero in on Github and Collaboration. We start by investigating Github (and comparative apparatuses) that have far off vaults and talking about the advantages they give. We make our own Github vaults and sync up changes between our distant and neighbourhood archives utilizing the git push, git pull, and git bring orders.

We then, at that point centre around normally utilized joint effort work processes that understudies might experience in reality: highlight spreading, pull demands, forking and cloning, and that’s just the beginning! We examine adding to open source projects and arranging Github stores for a coordinated effort. We additionally invest some energy in finding out about valuable Github highlights including Github Gists and Github Pages with the expectation of complimentary static facilitating.

The last unit in the course, The Tricky Bits, is truly an assortment of helpful Git order and progressed themes. We start by covering one of the “more unnerving” Git orders: rebasing! We examine the expected advantages and traps of rebasing and contrast it with blending. Then, at that point, we figure out how to tidy up our Git history by revamping, altering, dropping, and crushing submits utilizing the intelligent rebase order. Then, we talk about Git labels (lightweight and explained labels) semantic forming and labelling work processes.

From that point onward, we continue on to a profound plunge into the inward operations of Git. We talk about the documents and envelopes Git utilizes inside, the job of hashing capacities in Git, and the job of Git objects (masses, trees, and so forth) Then, we talk about reference logs and the git reflog order. In particular, we figure out how we can utilize flogs to safeguard “lost” submits and fix rebases. At long last, we figure out how to compose custom and amazing Git monikers!

All through the course, you’ll discover tons and huge loads of outlines and visual references I’ve made to attempt to clarify Git. The course additionally incorporates practices I’ve tried on my in-person understudies, to offer you a chance to rehearse the ideas in the course en route. In case you are perusing this sentence, I praise you on making it this far 🙂 I trust you partake in the course!

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone interested in learning Git in any capacity 🙂
  • Anyone learning to code or hoping to enter a tech field
  • Web developers, data scientists, software engineers, mobile developers, game developers, etc.
  • Anyone who works with code or in a code-adjacent role

Course content:

  • Course Orientation
  • Introducing…Git!
  • Installing & Setup
  • The Very Basics Of Gits: Adding & Committing
  • Commits In Details (And Related Topics)
  • Working With Branches
  • Merging Branches, Oh Boy!
  • Comparing Changes With Git Diff
  • The Ins and Outs Of Staahing
  • Undoing Changes & Time Traveling

Course Video Size: 6 GB High-Quality Video Content

part 01

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part 02

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part 03

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Original Author: Click Here

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