Microsoft WORD 2022: A Quick Step-By-Step Guide to All You Must Learn in MS Word to be Confident, Stress-Free, and more Productive - Ebooks Amazon Free


19 December, 2021

Microsoft WORD 2022: A Quick Step-By-Step Guide to All You Must Learn in MS Word to be Confident, Stress-Free, and more Productive




Microsoft WORD 2022: A Quick Step-By-Step Guide to All You Must Learn in MS Word to be Confident, Stress-Free, and more Productive

  • Length: 152 pages
  • Edition: 1
  • Publication Date: 2021-12-17

The Most Useful Microsoft Word Features Taught in an EASY GUIDE for Everyone

Do you use or want to start using Microsoft Word?
Microsoft Word 2022 for Beginners will help you.
Microsoft Word is the most used word processor in the world. It has a range of use for various organizations, teachers, students, professionals, business owners, and individuals. Having zero to little knowledge of the application and consistently figuring things out can be stressful and time-wasting. Microsoft Word has many excellent features you may not know if you do not learn the skill. Learning the skill will save you time, make you work smartly, and increase your productivity.

Microsoft Word 2022 for beginners is here to teach you the essential and must-know features of Microsoft word.
Microsoft has released several updated versions of MS Word, each offering more features and incorporating better technology than previous. Microsoft Word 2022 for beginners is an up-to-date guide that contains all the basics that will meet your need.
In this step-by-step book, you will learn how to:

  • Navigate the Word user Interface
  • Create, edit, and format a document from scratch in no time.
  • Use Styles for easy and quick document formatting.
  • Use Themes to create a professional-looking document with just a click.
  • Use Illustrations like images, shapes, SmartArt, etc., to beautify and communicate without stress.
  • Use Tables and Charts for easy and quick presentation of your data
  • Use Find and Replace feature for quick navigation and editing of your work.
  • Use Paste Special and Clipboard system
  • Sort for easy data analysis
  • Use the Autocorrect feature, Spelling, and Grammar to create an error-free document.
  • Use Synonym function (Thesaurus) for flexible word usage.
  • Automatically generates Table of Content and Table of figures to ease your work.
  • Use Hyperlinking for easy navigation
  • Use Word Security features
  • Work smartly with the top MS Word shortcut commands and so many others.

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