[FREE APK ANDROID APP]Learn Excel VBA : Video Tutorials - Ebooks Amazon Free


25 March, 2020

[FREE APK ANDROID APP]Learn Excel VBA : Video Tutorials


[FREE APK ANDROID APP]Learn Excel VBA : Video Tutorials

1.0 · SikApps Developers

#1 Best Excel VBA Video Tutorials App For Beginners
Table of Contents:-

1) Getting Started in the VB Editor
2) Writing Your First VBA Macro
3) What to do When Things Go Wrong
4) Buttons, Toolbars and Keyboard Shortcuts
5) Selecting Cells
6) Worksheets, Charts and Sheets
7) Workbooks
8) Variables
9) Object Variables
10) Message Boxes
11) Input Boxes
12) Application.InputBox
13) With Statements
14) If Statements
15) Select Case Statements
16) Do Until and Do While Loops
17) aFind and FindNext
18) For Next Loops
19) For Each Loops
20) Creating Functions
21) Error Handling
22) Event Procedures
23) Application Events
24) User Forms
25) Files and Folders
26) Text Files
27) File Dialogs
28) Arrays
29) Constants and Enumerations
30) Creating Word Documents
31) Creating and Updating Linked Word Tables
32) Creating PowerPoint Presentations
33) Creating Outlook Emails
34) Querying a Database
35) Modifying Data with Recordsets
37) Creating Add Ins
38) Type Declarations (User-Defined Types)
39) Class Modules
40) Using Class Modules in Other Projects
41) Custom Collections
42) Typed Collections
43) Dictionaries
44) Disabling Screen Updates
45) Saving as a PDF
46) Data Labels in Scatter Charts
47) ByRef and ByVal-Part 1
48) ByRef and ByVal-Part 2
49) Making Excel Talk
50) Finding the Last Used Row, Column and Cell
51) Querying Web Pages using Query Tables
52) Browsing to Websites and Scraping a Web Page
53) Web Scraping Across Multiple Pages
54) Downloading Files from Websites
55) Introduction to Charts in VBA
56) Embedding Charts in Worksheets
57) Introduction to Pivot Tables in VBA
58) Pivot Tables using an Access Database
59) Pivot Tables using a SQL Server Database
60) Pivot Tables and Consolidation Ranges
61) PowerPivot Data Models
62) Pivot Charts
63) Pivot Table Slicers
64) Pivot Table Date Fields and Timelines
65) Introduction to Shapes
66) Formatting Shapes
67) Adding Text to Shapes
68) Working with Strings
69) Splitting Strings
70) The Join Function and Concatenating Strings
71) Replacing Strings
72) Converting the Case of Text
73) The Asc and Chr Functions
74) The IIf Function
75) The Switch Function
76) Working with Dates
77) Outlook Email Events
#evba #etipfree #eama #kingexcel
📤How to Download ebooks: https://www.evba.info/2020/02/instructions-for-downloading-documents.html?m=1

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